
Monday, February 24, 2014

Sources Cited in Postings on This Blog from Mar 27, 2012 onwards

Singer , Amy. Justin McCarthy, The Ottoman Peoples and the End of Empire. London: Arnold Publishers, 2001Pp.234. ISBN 0-340-70657-0(Book).” Mediterranean Historical Review, June 1 2004 Vol. 19 Issue 1, p. 100History reference center (accessed: 256.03.2012)

Fein, Bruce. Lies, damn lies, and Armenian deaths. April 24, 2009. Huff Post World. (Accessed: 31 March 2012
69 Academicians (1985). Declaration 

Abiç, Sibel. Dövme / Dek. Mardin Valiliği Kültür Yayınları, 2011.
Armenians in Ottoman Documents (1915-1920). - Ankara: Başbakanlık Basımevi, 1995. - XLIV, 641 s. - (The Turkish Republic Prime Ministry General Directorate of the State Archives; publication no. 25) p. 67.
Bayburt Ermeni Zulmü [Interview with Mehmet Ali Mehmetoğlu].27.07.2004. (Accessed: 15.03.2012)
Ermeni mezalimi [videorecording] minute: 2:10 (Accessed: 15.03.2012)
Gibbs, Nancy. Sexual Assaults on Female Soldiers: Don't Ask, Don't Tell Time Magazine US, Mar 08, 2010.,9171,1968110,00.html (Accessed: 15.04.2012)
Grandma's Tattoos.  (Accessed: 15.03.2012)
Greco-Turkish war (1919-1922). Wikipedia. (Accessed: 15.04.2012)
Karacakaya, Recep. "Milli Mücadelede Fransız işgalleri ve buna tepkiler," Türk Kamuoyu ve Ermeni Meselesi. Istanbul: 2005. (Accessed: 15.04.2012)
Swiss, S, Giller, E. Rape as a crime of war. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1993, 270 : 5, 612-15.
Turkish traditional tattoos. (Accessed: 16.04.2012)
Lt. Col. Tverdohlebov. I witnessed and lived through. (accessed: 05.04.2014 revised because of change)

Meds Yeghern, April 24, 2012

[1]Mihailov, Stanislav.  “The Russian Account of the Armenian Genocide,” Armenian Genocide Debate. 31.05.2010. /Accessed: 22.04.2012) 
[2] Güçlü, Yücel. “Allied Landing Schemes on Cilicia and Armenian Subversion,” in Armenians and the Allies in Cilicia, 1914-1923. University of Utah Press, 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost  (accessed April 23, 2012). 
[3] Güçlü, Yücel.” Attempts at Including Cilicia in the Proposed Armenian State” in Armenians and the Allies in Cilicia, 1914-1923. University of Utah Press, 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost (accessed April 23, 2012).
[i4] ÇALIK, Ramazan; TEPEKAYA, Muzaffer. "Birinci Dünya Savaşı Esnasında Anadolu'daki Salgın Hastalıklar ve Ermeniler," Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2006,(16):205-228. (Accessed: 07.03.2012)
[5] Ozdemir, Hikmet; Kardas, Saban (Translated by). Utah Series in Turkish and Islamic Studies : Ottoman Army 1914-1918 : Disease and Death on the Battlefield. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: University of Utah Press, 2008. p 52.

[1] Güçlü, Yücel. “Allied Landing Schemes on Cilicia and Armenian Subversion,” in Armenians and the Allies in Cilicia, 1914-1923. University of Utah Press, 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost  (Accessed: April 23, 2012).
[2] Guclu, p.52
[3] Mutlu, Servet. “Late Ottoman Population And Its Ethnic Distribution,” Nüfusbilim Dergisi \ Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 2003, 25, 3-38 22.04.2012)
[4] Dashnagtzoutiun Has Nothing To Do Anymore -Hovhannes Katchaznouni Manifesto : The Manifesto of, First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic. Translation from Turkish by Lale Akalın. 2006. (Accessed: 20.04.2012)

Mariam Chilingirian.
Nene Hatun.
Özdil, Y. (04.12.2011) İstiklal Savaşı filan yok, hepsi dümen. Hürriyet.

Tverdohlebov. I Witnessed and Lived Through: Eyewitnessing of the Russian Lieutenant Colonel to the Actions of the Armenians in the Eastern Front , journal in manuscript. 1917-1918. Translations into Turkish pp.3-44, English pp.45-90, French pp.91-126 and in its original language, Russian PP.127-188.
Shameful Photographs Showing the Atrocities and Genocide Inflicted Upon Turks By the Armenians. [Photographs taken from the book titled Archive Documents About The Atrocities And Genocide Inflicted Upon Turks By Armenians by Ismet Binark. Board of Culture Arts and Publications Grand National Assembly of Turkey, 2002.

Özdemir, Hikmet. Issues missed in the 1915 Armenian debate : Frequently used measure. Armenian Genocide Facts web site. 

No source used, personal narrative of family testimonials.

Mutlu, S. (2003). Late Ottoman Population And Its Ethnic DistributionNüfusbilim Dergisi\Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 25, 3-38. Accessed on 17.06.2012 at

No listing of sources offerd but links given as follows:

Obama's slip of tongue:
2006 Time 100 List:,29569,1975813,00.html
Istanbul Technical University's  student dictionary:
a thesis (Akar, H. (2005). Harbord military mission to Armenia: "the story of an American fact finding mission and its effects on Turkish-American relations") :
Yashar Kemal. and his works :
Zülfü Livaneli:
Patrick White:
Patrick White Award:
20-percent cut:

Documentation of Massacres upon Turks by Armenians. Armenian Genocide Resource Center. 11 July 2005. Accessed on: 07.08.2012
Revan mı, Erivan mı? Erivan Türk kenti idi, şimdi bir Türk bile yok! [Revan or Erivan? Erivan was a Turkish city, today there is not even a single Turk there!]
"Erivan'da Türk izleri siliniyor," Hürriyet. 03.01.2007. Accessed on: 06.07.2012.
"Islam in Armenia," Wikipedia. Accessed on 07.07.2012.
Karabekir, Kazım. Ermeni Mezalimi. Emre Yayınları, 2000. 975-8496-11-5
Kürkçüoğlu, Erol. “Kapı Düşmana Değil Dosta Açılır!: Atatürk Üniversitesi Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri Araştırma Merkez Müdürlüğü’nün 20 Nisan 2009 Tarihli Yanıkdere Şehitliği’ndeki Basın Açıklamasıdır,” [Press Statement by Ataturk University Research Centre for Turco-Armenian Relations, Erzurum]. 21 April 2009. . Accessed on 08.07.2012.
Kürkçüoğlu, Erol. "Revan’dan Erivan’a Bir Şehrin Kimliği [The Identityof a city : From Revan to Yerevan]. Accessed on: 08.07.2012.
"Safavid Dynasty," Wikipedia. Accessed on: 07.07.2012
The symbol of the Armenian capital, as an example of the medieval Azerbaijani architecture, or what does a former bra salesman get up in Yerevan?," 12.06.2012. Accessed on 08.07.2012.
Tersakian, Krikor. "Yerevan's best kept secret?: The Gök (Blue) Mosque," . Accessed on: 05.07.2012
"Timbuktu world heritage site attacked by Islamists", The Guardian, Sunday 1 July 2012 06.17 BST Accessed on: 01.07.2012.
"World Heritage List : Timbuktu", UNESCO . Accessed on: 01.07.201
"Yerevan," Wikipedia. Accessed on : 07.07.2012
"Yerevan Ararat Wine Factory ," Wikipedia. Accessed on: 02.07.2012.

No listing of sources offerd but links given as follows:

Bernard Lewis:
Justin McCarthy:
Stanford J. Shaw:
Bruce Fein:

No listing of sources offerd but links given to be added here later.

"Karmylassos and Forced Migrations", September 2, 2012

Population Exchange Museum:
Karpat, K.  H. (2003). Ottoman Population 1830-1914: demographic and social characteristics. Madison, 1985 and Osmanlı Nüfusu 1830-914: Demografik ve sosyal özellikleri. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.

[2] Lycian Turkey - Discover the Beauty of Ancient Lycia.
[3] Armenian Congress at Erzurum. Accessed: 09.09.2012
[4] Ermenilerin Hınıs'ta İslam Ahaliye Yaptıkları Mezalim / Atrocities Perpetrated by Armenians Against Muslim Population in Hınıs. and Accessed: 09.09.2012
[5] Atılgan, İnanç, Moumdjian, Garabet. Archival Documents of the Viennese Armenian-Turkish Platform. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Wieser Verlag, 2009. P. 718.
[6] "Armenia and the Armenians," The Presbyterian, Dec.22, pp.824-825, Dec.29, pp. 841-842,1893, Jan. 5, 1894 pp. 10-12. [The author who used "The Correspondent" pseudonym is thought to be the Director of Marsovan (Merzifon) American College. Translation of the article into Ottoman Turkish is available in the Ottoman Archives as Document no. 289/90 and was cited by Gülbadi Alan in Amerikan Board'ın Merzifon'daki Faaliyetleri ve Anadolu Koleji. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2008.]
[7] Fein, Bruce. "An Armenian and Muslim Tragedy? Yes ! Genocide? No" Accessed: 09.09.2012

1) "Come back, Diyarbakır mayor tells Armenians". Hürriyet Turkish Daily News. September/28/2012 Accessed: 29.09.2012
2) "Armenians snub mayor’s call for return". Hürriyet Turkish Daily News. September/27/2012 Accessed: 29.09.2012
3) Kurtuluş : İstiklal Harbi Gazetesi. Ankara: Mercek Gazetesi, 2011.
4) Anti-War Protests Break out in Eastern Turkey. 2012-09-16 23:18:43. Xinhua Accessed: 29.09.2012
5) Karabekir, Kazım. 1917-20 arasında Erzincan'dan Erivan'a Ermeni mezalimi [Armenian Atrocities from Erzincan to Yerevan between 1917-20] compiled by Ömer Hakan Özalp. İstanbul: Emre Yayınları, 2000.

"Our Armenians" October 14, 2012

1) From De Sica to Khardalian : Filming Rape in War and Genocide. Armenian Holocaust: My Story. 17 April 2012.
2)  Turkey No.2 1921. Despatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris Enclosing the Franco-Turkish Agreement Signed at Angora on October 20, 1921. London: HMSO, 1921. . Accessed on 12.10.2012
3) Karacakaya, Recep. "Milli Mücadelede Fransız işgali ve buna tepkiler [French Invasion during War of Independence and Reactions" in Türk Kamuoyu ve Ermeni Meselesi. İstanbul: 2005.  T.B.M.M. Zabıt Ceridesi, c. XXVI, Ankara 1960, s. 177'den naklen, Ali İhsan Gencer, Sabahattin Özel, Türk İnkılâp Tarihi, ss. 166-167.  Accessed on 12.10.2012

1)   Coelho, Paulo.  By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. Translated by Alan A. Clarke. Harper, 2005.  
2)  TED Prize for a wish that can inspire the world. 2008 winners. Accessed on: 01.11.2012 
3) Armstrong, Karen. Charter for compassion. . Accessed on: 28.10.2012 
4)   BBC Ethics Guide : Holy wars. Accessed on: 28.10.2012 
5)  Şimşir, Bilal N. Ermeni Sorunu ve Van [Armenian Question and Van]. Paper submitted at Ermeni Olayları Sempozyumu, Van, Bitlis, Muş, 2-3-4 Nisan 1985. Van: Yüzüncüyıl Üniversitesi, 1986. 
6)     Nalbandian, Louise.  Armenian Revolutionary Movement, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963. The book is freely available on Internet. Accessed on: 11.11.2012 
7)  Şimşir, Bilal N. British Documents On Ottoman Armenians. 4 vols. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society, 1982-1990. 
8)     Şimşir. Ermeni… 
9)     A Common Word. Accessed on: 29.10.2012. 
11) Armenian Atrocities and Terrorism. Assembly of Turkish American Associations.  n.d. Accessed on: 11.11.2012. 
12)  Mouradian, “Khatchig. A Turk, a Kurd, and an Armenian Walk into a Church”. Armenian Weekly,  October 18, 2012. Accessed on 11.11.2012 
13)  Aya, Şükrü Server. The Genoc ide of truth. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi University, 2008. Accessed on: 28.10.2012 
14)  John P. Rossi (1982). Catholic Opinion on the Eastern Question, 1876–1878. Church History, 51, pp 5470. doi:10.2307/3165253. Accessed: 24.10.2012

Bernard Lewis video recording:

1. Neiberg, Michael S.. Fighting the Great War : A Global History. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press, 2005. p 119. 21.01.2013 
2.Aya, Şükrü Server. The Genocide of the Truth. İstanbul Ticaret Universitesi, 2008. 23.01.2013 
3.Balci, Ramazan. “Sarıkamış taarruzunda felaketin sebepleri,” in Sarıkamış Şehitleri Özel. Kars Valiliği Kültür ve Turizm İl Müdürlüğü, 2008. pp.62-71.
4.Transcaucasus Railway. Wikipedia. Accessed: 27.01.2013 
5.The Battle of Sarikamish -February, 2011 : I wish you all a Happy Sarikamish!". Accessed: 27.01.2013 
6. Kars. Wikipedia. Accessed: 26.01.2013< 7. Accessed: 26.01.2013

No source used.

1) New Mexico Legislature Commemorates The 1992 Khojaly Massacre. History of Armenian Allegations. Accessed on 26.02.2013)
2) Southern Azerbaijan: 21st Anniversary of The Khojaly Massacre. (Accessed on 26.02.2013)

Quotations taken from:

[N.B. From "For Peace and Friendship, 6 Mar 2010" which is my first writing on this blog early 12 writings do not have references and I seem to have given a break in 2011.]

will continue...

Sometimes I was having difficulty in spotting sources I have used earlier mainly because of different spellings of Turkish characters. As I produced the list for myself I thought it might of interest to some other people...

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