
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Commemorating Emancipation of Erzurum through Reminiscences

Monument of Freedom

As the Ottoman 2nd Corps was to arrive in Erzurum under command of Kazım Karabekir to take over the rule, in line with the agreement made with Russia, Armenian Units withdrew from Erzurum on March 12,1918. However, as I have mentioned in an earlier post [1] remembering emancipation creates an odd feeling as joyful spirit of victory is dampened by memories of slaughter, atrocities and devastation.

Russian Troops near Erzurum

Erdem Akyüz who is an attorney born in Erzurum has vivid memories of what his father used to tell about days of occupation and retreat of Armenians who had taken over from Russian Army in 1917 following October Revolution. Akyüz, who has written a booklet in four languages titled Armenian Question and Turks has published three accounts of these recollections in Hakimiyet-i Milliye in 2012. They are bilingual, and I will just give links with brief quotations from each:

Part 1 - Turks Were Taken Away FromTheir Houses
“It was the times of Armenian and Russian invasion took place in Erzurum. It was a cold winter night. Our door was riotously knocked. Several armed Armenian invaders dressed like Comitadji entered into the house. They took my father, Ahmet, and me out of the house by force. They knocked out my mother, Raife, who tried to stop them, with butt-stroke of their rifle. My little sister, Emine, cringed at the corner looking behind us with her scared eyes. ..."

“We had a baker in the neighborhood. He was a middle-aged, short and fat person, but he had a strong body. He had a crippled leg. He was a small sized merchant. He had a pretty wife who was known with her beauty. On a very cold winter day, armed Armenian soldiers came afternoon. They went into the bakery by breaking the entrance door. ..."

Part 3 - A Chipping Sparrow On Snow
“We were students at elementary school. We were happily going back to our houses after school with a few friends. The ground was covered with snow and ice. We were sliding and laughing as we walked. Then, suddenly we heard gunfire. We couldn’t understand what happened. One of our friends fell down. ..." (Photo shows Armenian 3rd Battalion)

Nene Hatun Monument

In an interview with Merve Ayyıldız [3], Akyüz tells about his booklet published in four languages titled Ermeni Sorunu ve Türkler = Armenian Question And Turks = Probleme Armenienne Et Les Turcs = Der Armenierkonflikt Und Die Turken. He says "Although I hadn't lived through that period, I feel as if I did. I didn't see anyone who had lived at that time, but through tellings of my father I can make a description. I had a dream about these events, I wanted to have them all drawn. As my mind was busy with these thoughts I met Assistant Professor Uğur Polat from Gazi University." They worked together and the booklet contains Polat's drawings as well. The book is printed personally and probably it is distributed by the author himself (

As we remember all civilians killed viciously during wars let us wish that ferocity comes to an end and sufferings end eternally.

My deepest condolonces to the family of Berkin Elvan, Turkey lost today. 
He will be sorely missed and his smiling face will never be forgotten!


1) Aslan, Selma. (Feb 17, 2014). Remembering Fall of Erzurum, 16 February 1916. Accessed on 02.03.2014 at

2) Akyüz, Erdem. (Jan 6, 2012). Armenian Question and Turks. Hakimiyet-i Milliye. Accessed on 02.03.2014

1 - Turks Were Taken Away From Their Houses.

2 - An Unforgettable Scene.

3 - A Chipping Sparrow On Snow.

3) Ayyıldız, Merve. ( Nov. 11, 2013). Canlı hatıralarıyla bir ‘‘Ermeni Soykırımı’’ dosyası [An interview with Att. Erdem Akyüz]. Accessed on 02.03.2014 at

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